Monday 27 February 2012

HIV-positive mother forced to eat COW DUNG with her medication because she’s too poor to afford food


An HIV-positive mother has told how she is forced to eat cow dung alongside her medication because she is too poor to afford food.

Desperate Sibongile Khumalo, 45, took the drastic step after doctors warned her life-saving anti-retroviral drugs would not work on an empty stomach.

The South African mother of four told the country's Sunday Times newspaper she now consumes dried dung up to five times a week.

She said: 'I have to eat, there is nothing else, or I would have died by now.

'I cannot take my anti-retroviral drugs on an empty stomach.

'I have been surviving on it for a year.'

Unemployed Mrs Khumala, who tested HIV-positive five years ago, said her family sunk into poverty after she lost her £4.50 (50 rand) a day job as a domestic worker.

She is unable to claim social security payments as she has no identification documents.

And she added that the situation forced her to hunt for dung regularly around her home in the township in South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal province.

Mrs Khumala's family is one of more than a hundred scavenging for food on rubbish dumps around the settlement.

Locals said they received charity food parcels but that the supplies were rarely enough to sustain the poverty-stricken area's population.

They added that the problem was particularly bad for those who depend on anti-retroviral drugs.

The medication is distributed by South Africa's government to prevent HIV-positive patients developing full-blown Aids.

However, the powerful drugs do not work on an empty stomach and cannot be taken without nutrients.

Mrs Khumala said she shared what food she could find between her children and relied on cow dung to fill her own stomach.

She added that she sometimes ate the manure with scraps of meat or vegetables retrieved from a dump.

We have always survived on rotting food,' she said.

'At the dump site we can find rotten cabbage, tomatoes, onions, meat and potatoes which we take back and wash before we cook.'

Other HIV patients in Tin Town said that they too are depending on dung to survive.

Deliwe Shongwe, 62, who has been HIV-positive since 2008, said she knew of several people who foraged on farms for manure.

She added: 'That's our way of life here. We have no other choice.'

The report is the latest in a series which reveal that poor African communities have resorted to eating cow manure to sustain their HIV treatment.

Last year officials in South Africa's neighbour Swaziland said dozens of patients were eating manure to stay alive.

Unsurprisingly, medics have expressed concerns over the upsetting trend.

Dr Dave Spencer, a HIV treatment specialist at the Johannesburg-based charity Right to Care, told the Sunday Times the situation was dreadful.

He said: 'This is an extremely unhappy situation. It's a dreadful story and it's not an acceptable situation.

'Cow dung contains bacteria and organisms that will be harmful to human beings.

'And eating it is not going to help their HIV.

'In fact, E.coli and bacteria in the intestines of animals could give rise to all sorts of diarrhoeal illnesses.'

South Africa is home to more people living with HIV than any other country.

Recent estimates have suggested up to 17 per cent of its population, around six million people, could be HIV-positive.

Around 1,000 people every day are thought to die of AIDs-related conditions, and experts fear many more could be infected without knowing their status.

The country's developing economy has also seen millions mired in poverty, with around 40 per cent of South Africans surviving on less than £1.30 ($2) a day.

In recent years the government has launched programmes to tackle child malnutrition and food insecurity.

However, high unemployment and rising prices on staple products such as bread mean many people are unable to provide proper meals for their families.

Mail Online


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