1. Wiping worktops after washing up
2. Plumping cushions on the sofa
3. Straightening and flattening the duvet
4. Cleaning the oven
5. Failing to plump pillows on the bed
6. Straightening bottom bed sheet
7. Putting things into drawers tidily
8. Returning things to their rightful home
9. Spacing out wet clothes whilst hanging drying
10. Putting away wet dishes after washing up
11. Vacuuming - they do only the middle of the room and not the edges
12. Washing up - they ignore dirty mugs
13. Separating darks from the lights when washing clothes
14. Pairing socks after they've dried
15. Wearing shoes in the house after vacuuming
16. Leaving dirty washing on the floor next to the washing machine
17. Doesn’t shake clothes out when hanging them up
18. Folding clothes before putting them away
19. Decorating the bed with cushions when making it
20. Loading the dishwasher
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