Saturday 31 March 2012

Our eyes become old faster by using the iPad becasue we forget to blink..!!!


The growing dependence on computers and smart phones has left many young people with an eye problem that usually affects when they are much older.

Millions of people are developing "dry eye", a condition that results in itchy, inflamed eyes, thanks to the long hours of watching a screen.

When using these devices, the mind focuses so strongly on the screen you can "forget" to open and close, according to eye specialist Dr Christine Purslow. This can affect the lubrication system of the eye, he said.

Typically 12-15 times per minute flash, but the use of a computer screen can cut this seven or eight minutes.

This leaves the tear film - the lubricating substance that protects the surface of the eye - not working correctly

About 30 percent of those over 50 have dry eye, but the numbers are increasing, with more young people involved.

‘As a nation we are getting older, which means the proportion suffering age-related dry eye is increasing, where the tear film over the surface of the eye deteriorates with age,’ Dr Purslow said

"But younger people have problems because of the modern office, with computers and air conditioning making it worse, and domestic use of the screens.

"Using a screen on your lap, the iPad, for example, has an effect similar to using a screen on your desktop - you blink less." Dr. Purslow, director of contact lens and anterior eye unit research Cardiff University, said soft contact lens wearers were particularly at risk.

Clinical trials show that tear substitutes can solve the problem by stabilizing the tear film in two or three months.

Other measures include having a break from DIY screen, change the focus of the eye, looking away regularly, and making a concerted effort to blink more.

Mail Online


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